2019 International Leadership Training Program for Young Professionals in Water Resources Management (YGL-Water 2019)
Theme: Water Resources Management for International River

2019 International Leadership Training Program for Young Professionals in Water Resources Management(YGL-Water 2019)
Theme: Water Resources Management for International River
Our Event

Cooperation on water resources management is listed as one of the major plans under the Lancang-Mekong cooperation scheme. Good water resources management practices will provide great benefits for sustainable development of the Lancang-Mekong countries.
The “2019 International leadership training program for young professionals in water resources management” is hosted by Hohai University and supported by UNESCO-IHP International Research and Training Center on Hydrology, Water Resources and Water Management, IAHR-Hohai Collaborative Committee on Higher Education and E-Learning, and Hohai University-WWF International Research Center for River and Lake Conservation, Restoration and Management. This program aims to provide a 7-day (Aug 11 to Aug 17) training course for international young scholars (master, PhD students, and early-career scientists) in the field of hydrology, hydraulic engineering, water resources, ecosystem and environmental management in the forms of seminars, site-visit, and projects in Vientiane, Laos.
Our Organizers

College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University

UNESCO- The International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO-IHP)